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Facebook/Illinois Department of Natural Resources









そして6月18日には再びイリノイ州のRock Island郡へ戻っている姿が、イリノイ州天然資源省(IDNR)よって確認されており、6月30日にはミシシッピ川を渡り、ミズーリ州にいるとの目撃情報もあるとか。


Paws Off: IDNR Reminding Locals to Leave Black Bear AloneThe message from Illinois Department of Natural Resources…

Illinois Department of Natural Resourcesさんの投稿 2020年6月23日火曜日

Illinois Department of Natural Resourcesさんの投稿 2020年6月26日金曜日

Illinois Department of Natural Resourcesさんの投稿 2020年6月26日金曜日

Your eyes aren't deceiving you – a black bear has been spotted in Illinois!

Illinois Department of Natural Resources Conservation Police and DNR biologists are keeping a close eye on the black bear(s) currently wandering between Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois. As a reminder:👉Let bears be bears! We know it’s unusual to see bears in Illinois and you may want to grab a pic for yourself, but please keep your distance. Giving them plenty of breathing room keeps both you and the bears safe.👉It’s breeding season and any bears traveling through Illinois will likely just cut a path through the state if left alone.👉We've said it twice, so let's say it again: Give bears space – at least 100 yards, or twice the size of the Chicago Water Tower – and let them be!👉Believe it or not, black bears are native to our neighboring states and were common in Illinois when settlers arrived, but disappeared by the mid-1880s. They are now protected by the Illinois Wildlife Code and may not be hunted, killed or harassed unless there is an imminent threat to person or property.📸: Greg McMahon

Illinois Department of Natural Resourcesさんの投稿 2020年6月18日木曜日

Bruno swimming to Missouri

Joe Hartsockさんの投稿 2020年6月30日火曜日



「Bruno」の恋人を求めて旅を続ける姿は、多くの人々の関心を惹きつけ、現在フェイスブックグループ「Keeping Bruno Safe(ブルーノを安全に)」が立ち上げられ、すでに4万6000人以上のメンバーが所属しているという。










IDNRの生物学者であるStefanie Fitzsimon氏は、人々に対してクマから100ヤード(約90m)離れるよう促しており、今の所、人と「Bruno」との接触はないものの、襲われるような不幸な出来事は大抵人間が原因になっていると述べている。





出典元:USA TODAY:A black bear named Bruno has traveled 400 miles in search of a mate. And he’s gained quite a following(7/4)

出典元:KFVS:“Bruno” the bear, a social media sensation may make it to the Heartland(7/2)

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