
Protests in Albania against police brutality and the government escalate, it all started after the 25 year old Klodjan Rasha was brutally MURDERED after being shot on his back by a cop because he went out past the curfew, the 25 y/o was unarmed and meant no harm to the cops pic.twitter.com/9DCQndZiFW
— ultraviolet (@ultra_vlolet) December 12, 2020
6th day of protests to take place at Tirana main square, warning by police that gatherings will not be tolerated#unejamklodiani #klodianrasha #Tirana #albania #COVID19 #HumanRights pic.twitter.com/1sAycJehlY
— Loreta Cuka (@loretacuka1) December 14, 2020
🇦🇱 Protests continue in Albania after a young man was shot and killed by police during curfew, after allegedly ignoring officers’ calls to stop. Dozens of people also gathered in front of the country’s London.#NoCommenthttps://t.co/tXkiCQpGMI pic.twitter.com/eaitGpoeUD
— euronews (@euronews) December 14, 2020
抗議デモは、12月8日に首都のTiranaでKlodian Rashaさん(25)という男性が、新型コロナの感染対策である夜間外出禁止令に従わなかったとして、警察官によって銃で撃たれて死亡したことがきっかけだと言われている。
Edi Rama首相は、この発砲を「説明がつかない、完全に不合理なもの」だとして謝罪。12月10日には、内務大臣が辞任した。
Today marks the 4th day of protests against police violence in #Albania
Protesters gathering in Tirana’s main boulevard, singing the national anthem and asking for the Prime Minister’s resignation pic.twitter.com/0k5BEPKOgs
— Historia Ime (@Historiaime) December 12, 2020
These are the police in Albania beating the sh*t out of reporters covering the protests tonight. The protests are because a police killed Klodian Rashi, a 25 year old who went out to buy cigarettes. They Killed Klodiana on National Youth Day — and then beat reporters.. pic.twitter.com/rtJbhLC7l3
— AlbaniaUntoldStories (@AlbaniaUntold) December 10, 2020
Arnavutluk’ta kısıtlamalara rağmen protestolar sürüyorhttps://t.co/4YdjKpo6xe#Arnavutluk #AlbaniaProtest #Klodian pic.twitter.com/HaEPauD6Fv
— Ortadoğu Haber (@ortadoguhaber_) December 13, 2020
しかし中道右派の野党第一党「民主党」は、首相の辞任を要求。党首のLulzim Basha氏は国民に対して「共に、Rama(首相)を排除しよう」と呼びかけた。
これに対し、Rama首相は「民主党」と野党出身のIlir Meta大統領が国民を扇動していると非難。またRashaさんを正義の名のもとに政治目的で利用し、暴力を画策しているとして批判している。
出典元:euronews:Fresh clashes in Albania over death of a man shot by police during COVID-19 curfew(12/12)