
"Sentient Beings"-🔵@maestro320 's Notes: It is not clear how this Beluga Whale got these straps around but obviously she was in distress as she repeatedly approached fishermen for help. This amazing rescue was filmed on location off the Coast of Finnmark, Northern Norway courtesy of Jergen Ree Wiig @wiiiig and Yngve H. Eide @yngveheide and shared to all of us through Travel Group, Norge @norge – Fisherman frees white whale from body harness in northern Norway today!🙌🏻🙌🏻🐋In recent days, the white whale has approached fishing boats off the coast of Finnmark in northern Norway. Fisherman Joar Hesten, was able to remove two straps attached to the animal late Friday after several failed attempts by personnel from the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries. The whale was likely not fully grown and would have suffered as a result of the straps…#Norge video/photo by: @wiiiig , @yngv3 Håvard Hesten, and Allan klo/NRK•The beluga whale (/bɪˈluːɡə/) (Delphinapterus leucas) is an Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean. It is one of two members of the family Monodontidae, along with the narwhal, and the only member of the genus Delphinapterus. It is also known as the white whale, as it is the only marine mammal of this colour; the sea canary, due to its high-pitched calls; and the melonhead, though that more commonly refers to the melon-headed whale, which is an oceanic dolphin.Beluga whale populations are currently being harvested at levels which are not sustainable and it is difficult for those harvesting beluga whales to know which subpopulation they are from. Because there is little protection of subpopulations, harvest will need to be managed to ensure subpopulations will survive long into the future to discover the importance of their migratory patterns and habitat use. Beluga whales, like most other arctic species, are being faced with alteration of their habitat due to climate change and melting arctic ice. It is still not well understood why beluga whales use annual ice, but it is hypothesised to be a place of shelter from killer whale predation or a place they go to feed on schooling fish. (Continued in comments in @maestro320 post 👇👇👇)
Respectanimalrightsさんの投稿 2019年4月28日日曜日
ノルウェー漁業管理庁のスポークスマンであるJoergen Ree Wiig氏によれば、そのハーネスには「備品、サンクトペテルブルグ」と書かれており、アクションカメラを装着できるようになっていたという。

UiTノルウェー北極大学・海洋生物学教授のAudun Rikardsen氏も、「ムルマンスクにあるロシア海軍が関与した可能性がある」と語っており、ロシア北西部コラ半島にあるムルマンスク周辺には大規模な軍事基地があると指摘している。
冷戦時代、ソビエト軍はクリミア半島の街、 Sevastopol にある基地を使用しており、機雷や他のものを探査するため、または爆発物を仕掛けるなどの軍事目的で、海の哺乳類を訓練していたそうだ。
出典元:ABC News:Beluga whale with Russian harness raises alarm in Norway(4/29)
出典元:METRO:Russian ‘spy’ beluga whale spotted headbutting fishing boat off cost of Norway(4/29)