
Earthquake at Pita Fresh Restaurant in Ridgecrest CA
Earthquake at Pita Fresh Restaurant in Ridgecrest CAHope everyone is safe!
Pita Freshさんの投稿 2019年7月4日木曜日
また各地で被害が出ており、Kern郡ではこの地震により火事が発生。Ridgecrest Regional病院や他のビルでも人々が建物から避難したそうだ。
6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Southern #California
Firefighters working fire pic.twitter.com/iv80v2Q5aZ— Trama (@Trama70602212) July 4, 2019
Ridgecrest Regional病院では棚やドアが開き、コンピュータも床に落下。物が落ちたりしてケガを負った患者もいるという。
San Bernardino郡では地震が水道管を壊し、停電も発生。建物にヒビが入り、道路にも石が落下したが、ケガ人などは確認されていない。
#Update: Just in – Incredible video alleged from the #earthquake in a liquor store in #Ridgecrest in #California, just a few miles from the epicentre… pic.twitter.com/gQvqd5J5Bl
— Sotiri Dimpinoudis (@sotiridi) 2019年7月4日
My dad lives in Ridgecrest and felt strong ground shaking. I asked him to take pictures of any damage, see photos below (credit Adam Graehl).
M 6.4 – 12km SW of Searles Valley, CAhttps://t.co/3e222a3nq8 pic.twitter.com/jaTt3GWLYw
— Nick Graehl (@nickgraehl) July 4, 2019
❗️NEW VIDEOS ❗️@USGS reported that 6.4 magnitude #earthquake rocked Ridgecrest, California at 10:33am Pacific Time. The earthquake was also felt in Los Angeles, #California.#CAwx pic.twitter.com/qHpLlP6HXB
— WeatherNation (@WeatherNation) July 4, 2019
Just outside the small town of #Trona , Ca. Road ripped open from the July 4th M6.4 #earthquake #RidgecrestEarthquake #SearlesValley #deathvalley pic.twitter.com/ESjofHXUMR
— Officer Rob (@RealOfficerRob) July 4, 2019
6.4 Cracked Earthquake Roads#earthquake #California pic.twitter.com/1MBTvOAnYt
— By A (@W_ByA_W) July 4, 2019
Rupture says hi (probably a zone of distributed opening and rotation, most likely, the 'ruptures' are oriented N-S which is very oblique to the strike) pic.twitter.com/jWbFTEvhuj
— Gareth Funning (@gfun) July 5, 2019
Pictures my mom took while working out in ridgecrest… pic.twitter.com/aLRBwMB2jm
— Em💞 (@Emily31377) July 4, 2019
— Ian Pierce (@neotectonic) July 4, 2019
Southern California 6.4 Earthquake caught on tape at Big Bear Lake, Ca awakes Simba the Eagle. #Simba #earthquake pic.twitter.com/ZdtVTBTFGB
— Johnny (@Johnnys_Eye) July 4, 2019
映画製作者のAva DuVernay氏も「ずっとロサンゼルスに住んでいるが、今回は経験した中でも最も長い地震だった。ガタガタではなく、スムースで、回転するような感じだった。しかしとっても長かった」とツイートしている。
出典元:ABC News:Biggest earthquake in 20 years rocks Southern California, strong aftershocks expected(7/4)
参考:CNN:カリフォルニア州南部でM6.4の地震 火災や停電、負傷者も(7/5)