





その男性とはSimon Smithさん(53)で、彼はお店に入った後、到着した救急車に乗せられ、病院へと運ばれるも軽傷ですんだという。
彼が入ったパブ「Purple Turtle」のオーナーであるDaniel Fraifeldさん(50)は、事故を振り返り次のように語っている。
How drink a beer is sacred in UK 🙂
When you are hurry to go to the pubbetter take the bus … 😛 #mysacredbeer #britainsgottalent'I get knocked down': man hit by bus gets back up again and heads to pubVideo shows how Simon Smith is sent flying by a bus but he gets to his feet moments later unhurt and walks into barA man was sent flying by an out of control bus but got back up immediately and walked into a pub like nothing had happened, video footage shows.Simon Smith, 53, was knocked to the ground by the careering vehicle on Gun Street in Reading, but CCTV footage then shows him get to his feet moments later and walk into the Purple Turtle bar. He sustained only scratches and bruising despite being thrown about 20ft.Reading Buses told the BBC it was investigating the “awful incident”, which took place on Saturday morning.It is not known what caused the crash but Thames Valley police said no arrests had been made. An ambulance was called to the scene and the road was closed for about two hours.Smith told BBC South Today he was lucky to be alive.Sources : Nadia Khomami for the Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/jun/27/i-get-knocked-down-man-hit-by-bus-gets-back-up-again-and-heads-to-pub) Tuesday 27 June 2017 13.51 BST
SUBURBASSさんの投稿 2017年6月27日火曜日
出展元:MailOnline:How did he live? Shocking moment man is struck by out-of-control bus… but calmly gets up and walks into a pub seconds later(6/28)