
この抗議活動(またはグループ)は「Extinction Rebellion(絶滅への反乱)」と呼ばれ、ロンドンの中心部で19日までに、4日連続も行われていたという。
デモ参加者の要求は現在の英政府による気候変動政策を改め、強化すること。そのために参加者は議会前広場やウォータールー橋、Oxford Circusといった場所を封鎖したそうだ。
Brave reverend from @CClimateAction arrested at Oxford Street #ExtinctionRebellion just now… The vibe is still great, the message is very serious. Come down and be part of an historic moment; demanding our government act now before it's too late… #HumansofXR #rebelforlife pic.twitter.com/AhYVefdyDD
— Extinction Rebellion London Ⓧ (@LdnRebellion) April 18, 2019
Three activists have just been ‘de-arrested’ because the police currently don’t have the resources to remove them #ExtinctionRebellion pic.twitter.com/rByVpQw5gD
— Charlie L. Jones (@CharliellJones) April 18, 2019
I'm not sure which ones are the protesters here? The Old Bill or the middles class rebels from #ExtinctionRebellion
— BermondseyBoy (@BermondseyBoy68) April 18, 2019
Yesterday on Waterloo Bridge, elderly people were sitting down in front of younger people so that they might be arrested first, saying that they don’t want to mess up these young people’s futures any further. Huge respect. #ExtinctionRebellion @XrYouth #HumansofXR pic.twitter.com/KZaYI5Z5Bg
— Extinction Rebellion London Ⓧ (@LdnRebellion) April 17, 2019
Police getting stuck in at Oxford Circus…We respect they have a job to do but so do we; to get our government to act now and avoid irreversible climate change & ecological collapse. If you eat food or drink water, this is for you. Join us in #ExtinctionRebellion today! pic.twitter.com/4xS5ZO6Xnc
— Extinction Rebellion London Ⓧ (@LdnRebellion) April 18, 2019
デモに参加した女性、Mary Roseさん(26)も数日前に警察に逮捕され、6時間拘束されるも、その後は起訴されずに解放されたという。彼女は、次のように語っている。
出典元:METRO:At least 480 arrested as Extinction Rebellion protests stretch into fourth day(4/18)