
この写真を撮影したのはアメリカ人のMarko Korošecさん。彼はサウスダコタ州の上空で、渦を巻く巨大な雲の姿を撮影した。
Hey everyone & welcome my new followers! Recognize this rotating storm? 🙂 It's been a great exposure of my work lately since this same video has gone completely viral on social media yesterday. This is my life, what I live for – to chase the most epic storms on Earth and indeed, you can join me on storm chasing tours next spring. See my website for details! This gif animation of Wall, SD supercell (19 June, 2015) was produced by my friend Jonathan Wennström (check @jonathanwennstroem on instagram).
Weather-Photos.NETさんの投稿 2017年7月20日木曜日
The majestic nighttime South Dakota tornadic supercell from June 19th, 2015. What a spectacular stacked plates of the structure it was, no doubt one of the best storms at night I had! This is a gif animation of the storm, produced by my friend Jonathan Wennström (see his work on IG @jonathanwennstroem)!
Weather-Photos.NETさんの投稿 2017年7月5日水曜日
実はこれはもともと写真で撮影されたが、やがて友人のJonathan WennströmさんによってGIFに変換され、その後フェイスブックに投稿してから多くのメディアにも紹介された。

Want to join me for these storm beauties? http://www.markokorosec.net/storm-chasing-workshop-1/The famous Booker, TX spaceship supercell, one of the top5 most photogenic storms we've ever chased. Thanks to my friend Jonathan Wennström (@jonathanwennstroem on Instagram) for doing this gif animation of the storm for me! Intercepted on June 3rd, 2013.
Weather-Photos.NETさんの投稿 2017年5月5日金曜日
出典元:boredpanda:This Tornadic Supercell Above South Dakota Is Probably The Most Beautiful Storm Ever Captured(7/31)