
そのナマケモノの赤ちゃんが生まれたのは、ロードアイランド州の街、プロビデンスにある「Roger Williams Park 動物園」だ。
父親は「Wesley」、母親は「 Fiona」。赤ちゃんは5月13日に生まれたのだが、かなり難産だったという。
It’s a baby… SLOTH!! Mom Fiona and dad Welsey, our Linne’s two-toed sloths, welcomed their little one into the world on Wednesday, May 13. Fiona and her baby had a hard delivery and needed emergency care and a lot of extra help.Veterinarians and animal care staff manually assisted with the birth when it was clear that Fiona was not able to make additional progress. At first the baby was not moving, but after being warmed finally responded.Fiona’s pregnancy journey began in mid-autumn of 2019 and to now see this healthy little sloth is truly heartwarming for our entire Zoo family. Today mom and baby are doing well but will require lots of continual love and care. Thank you to our incredible team for all that they do.
Roger Williams Park Zoo & Carousel Villageさんの投稿 2020年5月18日月曜日
🚨 The cutest thing you will see today! Our newborn two-toed sloth tried green beans for the first time.Although mom Fiona will continue to nurse her baby for some time, our little one is already quite the adventurer – experimenting with mom's tasty treats.#BringingtheZootoYou 📸: Keeper Jen H.
Roger Williams Park Zoo & Carousel Villageさんの投稿 2020年5月20日水曜日
出典元:Facebook:Roger Williams Park Zoo & Carousel Village