
More passion, more passion, more passion, more energy, more footwork, more footwork!
Too much passion. Pull back. Pull back. Nice footwork. Paw work? You might be asking yourself, “What am I looking at?” That’s fair. It’s obviously a skunk doing a moving handstand. You were thinking it was some sort of mask with feathers? One of our favorite wildlife captures, this spotted skunk dances like no one’s watching…even when we are. Why the fancy footwork and big skunk energy (smell)? Because it can. Also, you’re too close and it has given you multiple cues to go away. Awkward.
Dance, dance, dance, with your paws, paws, paws! The spotted skunk is usually polite enough to give a warning before breaking into dance. They stamp their front feet, raise their tail, and hiss. (Like you before every video call.) If they’re particularly annoyed (this call could be an email), that’s when they stand upright on their forelimbs and perform the unusual hand-stand dance. Same. Well, one time.
If the dancing handstand fails to intimidate (wow, nothing?), they will resort to the real room clearers: a pair of scent glands out back that spray a foul-smelling musk. If a local toot squirrel does approach you, calmly turn around and walk away. Avoid doing anything else that could be considered threatening. Yelling more passion, more energy, and more footwork will most likely lead to more spraying.
NPS Video: Spotted skunk walking on front paws to scare off predators at Saguaro National Park, Arizona.
National Park Serviceさんの投稿 2023年9月8日金曜日
出典元:MailOnline:‘What am I looking at?’ Mystery mammal caught dancing in a handstand position on National Park night camera confuses wildlife fans(9/11)