
「Not my President」「同意しない」
そのポスターには習近平氏の写真と共に「Not my President」や「同意しない」という文字が中国語と英語で書かれていたそうだ。
イギリスではLondon School of EconomicsやEdinburgh大学などで、実際にこのポスターが貼られていたとされている。
Posters @ London School of Economics and Political Science. It's amazing to see people around the world, Chinese or not, decided that they will not back down and they're determined to have their voice heard! Send photos to xisnotmypresident@gmail.com #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/jpEFdDbcUX
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 5, 2018
More posters found @ Monash University (left) and UC Irvine (right). Thank you! pic.twitter.com/cGzxw3DfAB
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 14, 2018
Posters @ University of St. Andrews @univofstandrews. The second University to join us in Scotland, after University of Edinburgh. You are not alone in this. #NotMyPresident #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/9HCzHI9I1Y
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 14, 2018
Posters @ National Taiwan University (国立台湾大学). We believe that these are the first posters spotted in Taiwan and we do really appreciate your support! #NotMyPresident #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/zkGHtYv4bG
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 14, 2018
この「Not my President」や「同意しない」という言葉は、アメリカのトランプ大統領を批判する人々が使っていた言葉だという。
RT and spread the word. Let them know that we disagree. #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/YQMJ2Bmx4m
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 2, 2018
Posters @ School of the Art Institute of Chicago @saic_news. We will let the artists be the judge! #NotMyPresident #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/ECCzHYLJk8
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 13, 2018
As long as there are posters out there, we will keep updating. When we say the fight is still on, we mean it. Posters @ Swansea University @SwanseaUni We just have our first school from Wales! Thank you. #NotMyPresident #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/yuM7VhKCdl
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 13, 2018
Despite the fact that couple of fake accounts threatened to track us down and tear down our posters, supports are rolling in. Posters @ University of Wisconsin – Madison @UWMadison. Guess we'll just say, take that? #NotMyPresident #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/c2mR6zEhYz
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 13, 2018
Posters @ University of Auckland @AucklandUni. Three New Zealander schools within a day, thank you all for speaking up! #NotMyPresident #IDISAGREE #我不同意 pic.twitter.com/y8QqhXxijc
— Xi's Not My President (@StopXiJinping) March 13, 2018
出典元:INDEPENDENT:Xi Jinping ‘not my President’ posters appear in universities outside China(3/13)
出典元:BBC:Xi Jinping: ‘Not my president’ posters emerge outside China(3/12)