
その写真を撮ったのは、自然愛好家であるPaul Smithさん。
Another sprite lightning capture from 4/17/19 over Oklahoma. This was taken from Anadarko. Storm was north of Enid . A surreal experience with towering storms to my east , intermittently blocking out the moonlight. Still more images to work through #okwx @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/WUG9aOKXPh
— Paul Smith (@PaulMSmithPhoto) April 19, 2019
Last night ( 4/21/2019) I saw my first ever sprite by eye , and this was it. I traveled to shoot over storms in central Kansas with small expectations. It turned into one of the biggest sprite storms I have ever witnessed with 3 naked eye sightings. #okwx @breakingweather pic.twitter.com/uFkbanAPnL
— Paul Smith (@PaulMSmithPhoto) April 23, 2019
Multiple column sprites line up above an angel sprite in my last sprite lightning capture from the night of 4/17/2019 . An uncropped image on the 50mm about 20 minutes before being clouded over. Anadarko, Oklahoma. #okwx #APOD @JimCantore @emilyrsutton @MichaelSeger pic.twitter.com/gXNlPMKucZ
— Paul Smith (@PaulMSmithPhoto) April 21, 2019
Video of my own first sighting of a sprite lightning burst with my bare eyes. Uploaded in 4K on my youtube channel pic.twitter.com/R5GMk3SGZf
— Paul Smith (@PaulMSmithPhoto) April 23, 2019
The night of 4/21/2019 I also got the most intense Jellyfish sprite yet. At about 135 mile range looking from OK into KS. Note the color change red through purple in the tendrils as the nitrogen levels in the atmosphere change. #okwx @MichaelSeger @emilyrsutton @JimCantore pic.twitter.com/0BEHJkL1Bk
— Paul Smith (@PaulMSmithPhoto) April 24, 2019
出典元:METRO:What are these glowing red ‘sprites’ in the night sky?(4/23)